Weekly Devotion Psalm 92-96
Psalm 92
Psalm 92:1-3 says, "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High... This is delightful!" It reminds us that each morning when we wake up, we should offer praise and thanksgiving. Every day, regardless of big or small matters, we can find countless reasons to praise God, such as safe travels, beautiful flowers, and the privilege to work and serve. At the end of the day, we can reflect and say: "God is faithful." As the prophet Jeremiah said, "His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning" (Lamentations 3:23). May God open our eyes to see His hand at work each day, experiencing His mercy and peace.
The psalmist contrasts the life of the righteous (vv. 12-14) and the destiny of the wicked who flourish like grass (v. 7). The wicked refers to those who do not acknowledge that the Lord governs the world with righteousness, and those who lack understanding of truth and wisdom. Even if they achieve worldly success—power, fame, money—it is as fleeting as grass that withers in a few days. The righteous flourish and grow old because they are planted in the house of the Lord, thriving in His courts (v. 13). May we dwell in the house of the Lord, dedicate ourselves to the church, and abound in His love and abundance, living a life that is holy and pleasing to God, like palm trees and cedars (v. 12), rooted downward and bearing fruit even in old age (v. 14).
Psalm 93
In Psalm 93, the "mighty waters" and "the floods" refer to the chaotic waters at the beginning of creation, which God ordered through His word (Genesis 1:6, 9). Throughout the Bible, these terms depict chaos, troubles, and challenges, symbolizing evil forces that oppose the coming of God's kingdom. However, history repeatedly confirms that these opposing forces are insignificant compared to the power of the Lord, whose might is greater than the roar of many waters and the mighty waves (v. 4).
The Lord God establishes the order of the universe and reigns over the world forever (vv. 1-2). Though our world today may seem tumultuous with natural disasters and moral decay such as same-sex marriage, gender identity issues, and drug abuse becoming commonplace, we should not despair because of Satan's temporary victories. Instead, we must trust in God's word, obey His commandments, pursue holiness (v. 5), stand firm in faith, endure patiently, and surpass the threats of hardship. God's throne is forever established, and His chosen people and kingdom will remain steadfast, for when the floods lift up, the Lord sits enthroned as king; the Lord sits enthroned as king forevermore (Psalm 29:10).
Psalm 94
The psalmist in Psalm 94 declares God as the "God who avenges" (v. 2), though justice may not always seem evident. When the psalmist twice asks, "How long?" (v. 3), it appears as if he complains that God does not care or is unaware. However, the reality is, "He who planted the ear, does he not hear? He who formed the eye, does he not see?" (v. 9). May God have mercy and help us focus on His faithfulness, fix our gaze on His promises, and remember that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). The Almighty and faithful God does not delay but waits for the right time to bless His people (v. 14).
The psalmist observes that God disciplines the nations for their worship of many gods and idols (v. 10), realizing that those whom God disciplines are blessed (v. 12), for God disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:6-11). Through suffering, God's people gain understanding of His teachings and instructions. Even in suffering like Job's, we come to know God's goodness firsthand, moving beyond mere hearsay to firsthand experience (Job 42:5). May the Lord help us, so that in following the path of the Lord, whatever difficulties, setbacks, and grievances we encounter, we do not rely on our own ideas and plans but seek God's will and path with determination, believing He will lead us out of adversity.
Psalm 95
Psalm 95:1-7 reveals to us what kind of God He is. As we experience God's salvation (v. 1), recognize His great creation and authority over all (vv. 3-5), and understand that we are His people with an intimate relationship with Him, we will praise and worship Him joyfully with thanksgiving (v. 6). May God grant us a sincerely reverent heart, willing to obey Him, listen to His words (v. 7), not only participating in Sunday worship but also actively engaging in fellowship, communal activities, and dedicating time through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, reading the Bible, and praying to know God more, draw near to God, and serve God, as the Lord said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27), praying to be able to offer genuine worship and praise that pleases God.
Psalm 95:8-11 has been frequently quoted by the author of Hebrews (Hebrews 3:7-11, 15; 4:3, 5, 7), using historical events such as (Exodus 17:1-7; Numbers 14:26-35) to teach and warn people. Moses led the generation of Israelites out of Egypt, but because of their lack of gratitude and disobedience to God's command, their hearts were hardened (v. 8), and because they did not trust in God's promises but tested and complained against God (v. 9), God became angry and punished them, causing them to wander in the wilderness for forty years and die in the wilderness without receiving God's final blessing (v. 11). May God have mercy on us and keep us from repeating the same mistakes, remembering to obey God, listen to His words, not harden our hearts, but sincerely worship God in reverence, for "Blessed is the one who always trembles before God; but the one who hardens his heart falls into trouble" (Proverbs 28:14).
Psalm 96
Psalm 96 is a psalm of praise, calling all nations to praise God. Initially, God chose the Israelites in a special way to bless this nation, not to make them proud and arrogant, but to make them a blessing to all mankind (Genesis 12:3). Today, God has chosen us, the church, and blessed us with His great grace, assuring us of eternal life. And God wants us to share the benefits of the gospel with others, spread the gospel to the ends of the earth, and make disciples of all nations. Therefore, as soldiers of Christ, whether as individuals or members of a collective, may God help us, grant us wisdom and enable us to be channels of God's grace, and spread salvation to more people.
Psalm 96:9 says, "Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness." "Holiness" is not only moral purity and righteousness. Its primary meaning is to be set apart, distinct. Holiness is at the core of God's nature. We are inherently impure, but through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, God has cleansed us, making us His masterpieces in His grace. God calls us to separate ourselves from all impurity so that we can experience renewal and witness power. May the Lord help us, keep us away from sin, willingly deal with hidden sins in our hearts, and reject all things that are not in line with God's will. May God send the Holy Spirit of truth to guide us so that all the words in our mouths and thoughts in our hearts can be pleasing before God, and strive to pursue perfection in the path of sanctification, until the day we see the Lord's face.
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每周灵修 《诗篇》92-96
詩篇92:1-3「稱謝耶和華!歌頌祢至高者的名…這本為美事。」提醒我們每早晨醒來的時候,就當獻上讚美與感恩。每一天不論大事小事,都可以找出每一個可以讚美 神的理由,諸如平安出門返家、賞心悅目的花草、可以工作服事的福份……。在一天結束的時候,我們可以回顧說:神是信實的。如同先知耶利米所說「每早晨,這都是新的;祢的誠實極其廣大!」(哀3:23)求神擦亮我們的眼睛,使我們每一天都能看見神手的作為,經歷神所賜的憐憫與平安。
詩人對義人生命的比喻(v.12-14)和惡人茂盛如草的命運(v.7)有鮮明的對比;所說的惡人是指那些不曉得耶和華是秉公義掌管世界的畜類人,以及那些不明白真理和真智慧的愚頑人,即便獲得屬世的成功 - 即得到權力、名聲、金錢 -也不過茂盛如草,不數日便會枯萎。而義人發旺長壽的原因正是由于他們栽于耶和華的殿中,發旺在神的院裏(v.13),願我們能常在耶和華的殿中,委身於教會,飽得祂的慈愛與豐盛,活出聖潔、討神喜悅的生活,如同棕樹與香柏樹(v.12),雖經風吹雨打,仍能向下扎根,且能「滿了汁漿而常發青」(v.14),甚至到年老的時候仍能夠多結果子。
詩人從列邦因著信奉多神和偶像崇拜而被神管教(v.10), 進而領悟到那些被神藉著惡人之手所管教的百姓其實是有福的(v.12),因為神必管教所愛之人(來12:6-11),神要藉著苦難使祂的百姓得到益處,明白神的教導和訓誨,逼迫者只不過是神所使用的杖而已。即便如約伯般的無故遭受苦難,也正是因為經歷苦難軟弱,我們才會知道神的美善,否則永遠只限於聽說而已(伯42:5 我從前風聞有袮,現在親眼看見袮。)求主幫助我們,在跟隨主的道路上無論遇到什麼困難,挫折和委屈,都能不依靠我們自己的意念和計畫,而是堅定地來尋求神的意念和道路,相信祂必會帶領我們走出逆境。