Weekly Devotion Psalm 88-91
Psalm 88
Psalm 88 is an extremely sad poem. The author describes a period of the darkest days. It can be said to be an extremely sad poem. However, when facing disasters, the end of life seems to be the greatest suffering. Words such as "Sheol", "the pit", and "the dead" keep appearing. The world may think that words related to death are considered unlucky or as bad omen, but we- the people of God, have to experience death to understand the meaning of life. We shouldn’t think of suffering and disaster as the root causes of our death. In fact, if we don't believe in the Lord, aren't we all living in sin and heading towards the inevitable death of sin? The author cried out day and night, hoping that his prayer in the morning would be heard by God. Because if it weren't for the Lord's salvation, no one would survive since everyone would be walking towards death. Our lives are like shadows of the wind, fleeting in an instant. Isn't the prayer in this sad song also our prayer? Suffering, disaster, disease, death, we are surrounded by such sorrow and pain every day, and sometimes they will take away our peace and bind us to make it difficult for us to move forward. May we understand the life that Christ brings us, and use it to overcome all kinds of death and suffering in the world. Christ's death and resurrection gives us hope that after death comes life so that we can obtain the life of Christ and have a share in eternal life. How blessed we are to know the Lord Jesus, who leads us through all kinds of valleys of death so that we will no longer suffer or be harmed.
Psalm 89
The beginning of Psalm 89 mentions the covenant between God and David again, and praises Jehovah for it. The covenant between God and David allows the descendants to be established under the throne of God for all generations. The inheritance of faith should be like this. Our next generation is the next generation in the covenant of grace, and they should be brought before God and know the Savior Jesus Christ. If their faith cannot be established, we may not be able to give an explanation to the Lord. Verse 11 says, "The heavens are yours, the earth is yours; the world and everything in it are yours, you have established it." All the powers on earth must bow down before God, because there is not an inch of land that God does not claim to belong to Him. Do we lead our children in our families to understand that the Lord Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords? Especially when they are facing major life choices and various turning points, can we look up to God's will with our children and understand that all the benefits of life are within Him? May this song remind us, may God let us understand that no cultural knowledge on earth and the traditions that have occupied people's hearts for thousands of years can take away God's children. May we willingly hand over our souls to the Lord, because everything on earth belongs to Him, and all the things in the world should cheer and praise Him.
The second half of Psalm 89 turns to the other party of the covenant, David and his descendants, who broke the covenant and rebelled. God will also send punishment and anger, and trample his crown to the ground (v39). The faithful and covenant-keeping God will never treat sin as innocence. He will be angry and abandon this anointed one (v38). When we violate God's will and go our own way, God will also give us discipline to let us return to the path God has ordained. God's faithfulness and mercy go hand in hand with His righteousness and holiness, and are inseparable. To demonstrate God's abundance and perfection, He determines eternity according to His own will, executes justice, and retains mercy to save all who believe in Him, so that they will not perish but have eternal life.
Psalm 90
Psalm 90 comes from Moses' prayer. The second verse of the Psalm is, "Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God." This description of God's eternity is the highest level that human literature can reach. God's eternal existence is above His creation and does not depend on His creation. This is the supremacy of the Creator, everlasting to everlasting. Only by understanding this can we understand the space-time territory to which the poet's prayer extends. In the face of God's eternity, human beings are so small and short-lived that they cannot be compared with Him. Under God's eternity, all things on earth are so temporary, and the short-lived desolation of the world is like drifting clouds with nowhere to rest. In God's eternity, we take refuge in His embrace, enjoy the peace and protection of heaven, and have a share in eternity. Coming to the last verse, "May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands." This is Moses's call and also the call in our hearts. Every day of walking with God, may we look up to God from eternity to eternity, and walk on the path of grace that connects with eternity, forever and ever.
Psalm 91
Psalm 91 is used as a pilgrimage song, leading us to the footstool of Jehovah. It mentions the Most High, the Hidden One, the Almighty, the Highest Place, the Hiding Place, and the Refuge. Using such words to describe Jehovah, what kind of will does it show us? God is willing to connect with us through His work of redemption, and to have a share with those of us who are not worthy of Him but are chosen by Him. Some people have read from the Bible who God is, and some people have read from the Bible who man is, but only by reading how He is connected with us and how we have a share in His salvation can we fully understand what kind of God He is and what kind of creatures we are. In verse 15, "He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him." What a comfort this is to us, let us hold onto God's promise and make up our minds to follow the Lord. The urge of trusting in God does not come from ourselves, but from God who loved us first and gave us grace to trust, so that we are willing to surrender before Him and become vessels of His glory, to be used by the Lord and to be sent at His will.
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每周灵修 《诗篇》88-91
詩篇第88篇是一首極其憂傷的詩歌,作者描述了一段至黑至暗的日子, 可以說是一首極其憂傷的詩歌。但面對災難的處境,生命的盡頭似乎是最大 的苦難,“陰間”,“下坑的”,“死人”,這樣的字眼不斷出現,世人可能覺得不 吉利的死亡之詞,我們屬神的百姓卻要經歷死亡來體會生的意義。不要以為 苦難災難才是讓我們死亡的根源。實際上,我們若不是信了主,豈不都是活 在罪裡而要走向罪的必死之結局?詩人晝夜呼求,盼望早晨的禱告蒙神垂 聽。因為若不是主的拯救,一生一定是走向死亡不得存留,如影隨風轉瞬即 逝。這個憂傷之歌中的禱告,何不也是我們的禱告?苦難,災難,疾病,死 亡,這樣的憂傷之痛每一天都在我們周圍,有時還會拿去我們的平安,綑綁 我們難以前行。願我們明白基督帶給我們的生,並以此來勝過一切世上各樣的“死之王”,“苦之難”,因著基督死而復活,願我們先死後生的得著基督的生 命,與永生有份。認識主耶穌我們何等有福,祂帶領我們走過各樣死因幽谷 不再遭害。
詩篇89篇的開始再提了神和大衛立的約,並以此讚美耶和華,神與大衛 的約讓後裔在神的寶座下得堅立直到萬代。信仰傳承也要如此,我們的下一 代是恩約中的下一代,理當要被帶到神面前,認識這位救主耶穌基督。如果 他們的信仰不能堅立,可能我們也是不能向主交帳了。11節說到的“天屬你、 地也屬你.世界和其中所充滿的、都為你所建立”,地上的各樣權柄都要俯伏 在上帝面前,因為沒有一寸土地,神不宣稱屬於祂。我們是否帶領我們家中 的孩子,明白主耶穌是萬王之王萬主之主呢?特別是當他們在人生重大選 擇,遇到各樣轉折點時,我們可否和孩子們一起仰望神的旨意,明白人生一 切的好處不在他以外?願這首詩歌提醒我們,願神讓我們明白沒有地上的任 何文化知識以及佔據人心上下千年的傳統能把屬神的孩子攞走,願我們心甘 情願地把靈魂交出來歸給主,因為地上的一切都是屬於祂,世間各樣充滿起 中的都當向祂歡呼、頌讚。
詩篇第89篇後半部分,轉向了約的另一方大衛及其子孫的毀約與悖逆。 神也將責罰和憤怒賜下,要將他的冠冕踐踏於地(v39)。信實守約的神斷 不把有罪當無罪,祂要惱怒和離棄這位受膏者(v38),當我們違背神的旨 意,偏行己路,神也定會將管教賜下,讓我們回到神命定的道路上。神的信 實慈愛與祂的公義聖傑並行而不可分割,為彰顯神的豐盛與完全的祂憑己意 定永恆,施行公義也存留憐憫為救一切信祂的,不至滅亡反得永生。
詩篇第90篇出自摩⻄的禱告詩。詩篇中第二節,“諸山未曾生出、地與世 界你未曾造成、從亙古到永遠、你是神”。這句對於神的永恆性的描述被稱為 是人類語言所能觸及的最高水準。神的自有永有,超乎祂的創造之上,不依 存於祂的創造,這就是造物主的至高無上,everlasting to everlasting, 理解 到這些,後面我們才能理解詩人的禱告所延伸到的時空領地。面對上帝的永 恆,人類是何等渺小與短暫以致於不能與祂同日而語。在神永恆之下,地上 的萬物轉瞬即逝,世人的短暫淒涼如雲飄泊無處安放。在神的永恆之中,我 們投靠祂的懷抱,得享天上的安息與保守,與永恆有份。來到最後一節中“願 主我們神的榮美、歸於我們身上.願你堅立我們手所作的工.我們手所作的工、願你堅立”,這是摩⻄的呼求也是我們心中的呼求,在這與神同行的每一 天,願我們仰望那一位從亙古到永遠的神,走在連與永恆的恩典之路上, forever and ever。
詩篇第91篇用來作為朝聖詩,帶領我們來到耶和華的腳凳前,其中提到 的至高者,隱密者,全能者,至高處,藏身處,庇護所。用這樣的詞句來描 述耶和華,讓我們看到了他怎樣的旨意?神願意以祂救贖之工和我們連結, 與我們本事不配卻蒙祂揀選的有份。有人在聖經中讀出了,神是誰,有人從 聖經讀出了人是誰,但唯有讀到祂是怎樣的與我們連結讓我們與祂的救贖有 份我們才能全然明白祂是怎樣一位神,我們又是怎樣的受造物。 15節中, “他若求告我、我就應允他.他在急難中、我要與他同在.我要搭救他、使他 尊貴”。這對我們是何等的安慰,讓我們抓住神的應許,立定心志跟隨主。信 靠神不是出自我們自己,乃是神祂愛我們在先,施恩賜下我們信靠之心,讓 願意降伏在祂面前,成為祂榮耀的器皿,為主所用,任憑差遣。