Weekly Devotion Psalm 83-87
Psalms 83 to 87 encompass a range of themes, including cries to God in times of distress (for His name’s sake), the poet's longing and desire to dwell with God forever, gratitude for God's grace and care, appeals for mercy from the loving God, and songs praising Zion and the city of ultimate glory. In these diverse themes, we see a common core: the heart of God’s people in worship and praise.
Psalm 83 shows us that even in adversity, God's people remain focused on Him and His name. Their ultimate goal in praying for their enemies is "that they may seek your name, O Lord" (Psalm 83:16, ESV) and "that they may know that you alone, whose name is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth" (Psalm 83:18, ESV).
Psalm 84 vividly illustrates the heart of worship and praise to God. The author longs for God's dwelling place (Psalm 84:1-4, ESV), is thrilled and excited about the journey to God’s temple (Psalm 84:5-7, ESV), and passionately prays and calls out to God, convinced that "For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness" (Psalm 84:10, ESV). This echoes Psalm 87:2: "the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob" (ESV).
Psalm 85 expresses the poet’s gratitude and praise for God’s forgiveness and grace, leading to a deeper understanding of love, faithfulness, righteousness, and peace. We are forgiven because God’s righteous judgment fell on Jesus Christ, giving us true peace. True peace stems from practiced righteousness; without righteousness, there is no peace. This truth applies to Christians and all humanity. We believe that God’s righteous judgment is the only eternal and true justice, and peace from God is the only real peace.
Psalm 86 reveals the author’s humble plea and prayer before God. The author describes himself as poor and needy but also devoted, reliant on God, and calling on Him all day long. This is not self-righteousness but an expression of his need for God, reflecting his heart of worship and seeking God. The author’s recognition of God, as described in Psalm 86:11, prompts us to consider: How well do we know God? Does our knowledge of Him lead to genuine worship and praise? The author prays, "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name" (Psalm 86:11, ESV).
Psalm 87 deepens our understanding of God’s heart. Why does He love Zion more? It is not because He does not love Israel or other places, but because Zion houses His temple, where His people worship and praise Him. Today, we don’t need to travel to geographical Zion; we can worship and praise God in the church. Although we often say the church is not just a building, I believe God loves the church (including the building) more than the beautiful landscapes of Vancouver because it is where His people gather to worship and praise.
From the many themes in Psalms 83-87, we learn how to respond to God's grace, salvation, forgiveness, care, and love: through our worship and praise.
Worship and Praise in Christian Faith Worship and praise are not abstract but concrete, manifesting in coming to God’s house, going to Zion, and gathering in God's home to worship and praise Him.
First, we need to sanctify our daily time, drawing close to God every day. This is why our church has daily devotions with a chapter of God's word each day, walking with the Lord throughout our lives.
Therefore, let us sanctify our daily time, dedicate it to God, and prioritize reading the Bible, praying, and worshiping in our daily lives. Secondly, we must also sanctify Sundays, dedicating them to God. Regardless of our circumstances, we should especially sanctify Sundays, coming to church to worship and praise God. This is not only a Christian duty but a response of someone who truly knows God and has experienced His grace, an innate desire of a true Christian that cannot be ignored.
Lastly, let us raise our voices in Sunday worship, praising and worshiping God loudly. Growing up in a house church in mainland China, we met in residential areas and sang hymns quietly to avoid complaints and police reports. When I came to North America and saw large churches where the congregation's singing was barely audible beyond the choir leader, I felt deeply saddened and frustrated. If God gives us the opportunity and grace to loudly praise Him today and we do not cherish it, how pitiful will we be when He takes away this opportunity and grace? Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, let us sing louder in worship and praise!
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每周灵修 《诗篇》83-87
詩篇83篇到詩篇87篇設計了許多不同的主題,有困境中對神的求告(因著神的名);有詩人表達永遠與神同住的期盼和渴望;有感恩神的施恩和看顧;有向慈愛的神呼求憐憫;有歌頌錫安和末日榮耀之城。 在這些不同的主題中,我們看到了同樣的中心,那就是神子民對神的敬拜和讚美的心。