Weekly Devotion ( Psalm 60-64)
Dear brothers and sisters, This week, we continue our study and reflection on five more of "David's Psalms." As we carefully contemplate these psalms, we increasingly appreciate their rich spiritual content. We realize that God's Word is intricately woven into our lives, guiding us in times of difficulty on how to trust, pray, and seek God's salvation.
Psalm 60 begins with a clear and loud cry: "O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses; you have been angry; oh, restore us." (v1) The psalmist does not explain why God has abandoned them or the nature of the difficulties they face. The easiest explanation is that God's people sinned and offended Him, leading to His punishment and discipline. However, can we consider looking beyond the frame of sin and punishment and contemplate God's absolute sovereignty in our lives? Perhaps the brokenness and difficulties we encounter are part of God's mysterious and loving plan, without a specific reason, just to help us experience His love and grace more deeply. Let's not focus solely on "rejection," "brokenness," "cracks," or "hardship" but also pay attention to "restoration" (v1), "banner" (v4), "lifting up the truth" (v4), and "salvation" (v5). To those who do not believe in God, these words may seem bewildering, making them view us as fanatical or stubborn. However, their perspective stems from not having tasted the grace of the Lord, lacking the correct view of God and humanity, and failing to understand that "the help of man is in vain" (v11), and "through God, we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes" (v12). Amen!
Psalm 61 begins with the psalmist's cry for God to hear his plea. To unbelievers, this might be hard to understand. Why doesn't David immediately rely on his own abilities, take action, and solve his immediate problems? Such thoughts are profoundly mistaken because, compared to God, human abilities are insignificant. David, the author of the psalm, understood this through his life experiences. He knew that God was his true refuge and stronghold. The countless times God had helped and saved him were undeniable, living memories that he could not ignore or deny. Turning to God in times of trouble had become his instinct. Regardless, he would not return to his old ways of solving crises and difficulties through human methods. In the midst of such adversity, David could still proclaim, "I will dwell in your tent forever; I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings" (v4). This is a declaration of unwavering faith in God!
Psalm 62 provides guidance on how to commune with God. It highlights the common mistakes and blind spots we have in our relationship with God. One such mistake is not giving God time and space in our hearts and not having the expectation to do so. We often rush to God with our requests without allowing Him to respond in His own time, place, and manner. This shows a lack of reverence and respect for God, distorting our understanding of Him for selfish purposes. The psalmist points out how our hearts should wait silently for God, acknowledging that He is our salvation and the source of our hope (v1, v5). Expecting God to immediately fulfill our shallow and immature desires reflects our failure to recognize God as our "rock," "fortress," and "salvation," upon which our lives are built (v2, v6). With the right view of God, values, and worldview, we can take the first steps and offer thanks and praise to the Lord despite the challenges of the world. Throughout these psalms, the psalmist repeatedly emphasizes one theme: the relationship and positioning of God and humans. Have we placed these two in their proper and appropriate positions? Only when we do so can we have a well-ordered life where every part is properly adjusted, and the storms of the world will not shake our inner beings.
In Psalm 63, the psalmist precisely defines the positions of God and humans, even in the midst of desolation and weariness (v1). What he desires in such circumstances is not an instant miracle or a change of the harsh landscape into fertile land but to seek his God diligently. "O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you" (v1). This is a profound spiritual height. With such a deep understanding of faith, the hardships and adversities of the world can never shake our inner peace and tranquility.
Psalm 64 serves as a historical reminder of the existence of wicked people who oppose God and harbor hatred towards His children. The Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, does not shy away from the fact that evil exists, and those who do wrong by God and others have their reasons and ideologies. They often openly express their intentions and make rationalizations for their actions (v5, v6). The psalmist describes the wicked in vivid detail, highlighting their malicious words and actions. This provides a stark contrast to the modern world, where one side may resort to violence and oppression, while the other claims to stand for human rights, freedom, and tolerance, but both ultimately oppose and worship idols of human creation (Psalm 2:1-2). However, the more they act in this way, the more they unwittingly reveal the truth of the Bible, showcasing the supreme goodness and truth of God in the timeline of human history. Lord, may You come quickly. Amen!
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每周灵修 《诗篇》60-64
親愛的弟兄姊妹,這週我們繼續學習和思想另外五篇的 “大衛之詩”。當我們仔細咀嚼著這些詩篇時,我們越發體味它們豐富的屬靈內涵,神的道原來是如斯的近距離在我們生命、生活中交織著,指引著我們在人生的危難中,如何信靠、禱告及尋求神之拯救。
诗篇 第60篇
詩篇第 60篇開宗明義,詩人毫不隱瞞,聲嘶力歇的大喊: ”神啊,你丟棄了我們,使我們破敗。 你向我們發怒,求你使我們復興。........ 你叫你的民遇見艱難,你叫我們喝那使人東倒西歪的酒。” (v1 - v3) 詩人沒有說明為何神丟棄他們的原因,也沒有說出他們遇上是何種的艱難。 最容易的解釋是神的子民犯了罪得罪了神,故受神的懲罰和管教。 但我們也可否嘗試跳出只有罪與罰的框框,思想神在我們人生中的絕對主權。我們面對破敗,感受好像給神丟棄或是遇見艱難,令我們在人生的路上東倒西歪,或許是出於神那無窮、測不透的旨意與慈愛,不為什麼,就只是讓我們藉著種種人生橫逆,從而更體會了祂的慈愛與恩典,這不也是其中一可能嗎? 我們不要只專注 “丟棄”、”破敗”、”裂口” 、”艱難” .........,更是要多留意 ”復興” (v1)、”旌旗” (v4) ”可以為真理掦起來” (v4)、”拯救” (v5)。 於不信神的人眼中,上述的言論或許令他們為之瞠目結舌,認為我們狂熱、頑固、走火入魔,........,他們有這等想法,全是未嚐過主恩滋味,沒有正確的神觀和人觀,不明白 ”因為人的幫助是枉然的” (v11),”我們依靠神,才得施展大能,因為踐踏我們敵人的就是他” (v12),阿門!
诗篇 第61篇
詩篇第 61篇仍是以詩人的哀鳴求告作開始,求神聆聽他的苦情。 對不信的人這也是難以明白、理解的。 為何大衛不立即靠著自身的能力,起來行動,解決眼前的困難呢?! 這等想法實在是大錯特錯了,因人的能力和神比較,前者簡直不值一哂。 詩篇的作者大衛,用他生命之經歷,深深體會、明白這一點。 他明白誰才是他人生真正的 ”避難所”、”堅固台” (v3),神在他生命中對他無數次的幫助、拯救,是如此的歷歷在目,活生生的歷史,令他無法迴避、否認,人窮則呼上帝,這已是他的本能了! 無論如何,他再不會重返舊路,用人的方法來解決他生命中所面對的危機與困難,所以在如斯危難中,大衛仍能喊出: ”我要永遠住在你的帳幕裏,我要投靠在你翅膀下的隱密處” (v4) ,這等對神信心滿滿之豪言壯語!
诗篇 第62篇
詩篇 62篇教導神的兒女們,給出了如何與神交往的指引與方向。 它點出了我們通常犯的錯誤與盲點,其一是我們內心沒給神有回應的時間與空間,也沒有此心理期望。 我們通常只是沙石俱下,一股腦兒將我們所求的拋給神,跟著便要祂照我們的時間、地點、形式來回應,這是何等對神的藐視與不敬,滿是扭曲及功利化的神觀! 詩人清楚指出,我們的心如何能默默無聲,專等候神呢? 是當我們清楚明白到,祂是我們的救恩、盼望的源頭。(v1)、(v5) 要神即時滿足我們慾求的膚淺、幼稚心態,正正反映了我們根本就不當神是我們生命的 ”磐石”、”高臺” 與 ”拯救”,靠著祂,我們生命的根基才能不會動搖。(v2、v6) 若是有了這等認識,人就是處於何等緊急、危險狀況,內心也是滿有平靜和安穩的了! 有了正確的神觀、價值觀和世界觀,對於詩人在 v10 的提醒,神的兒女便能有邁出第一步之空間與能力,感謝讚美主。 在這數篇詩篇中,詩人不斷的反覆強調一主題,就是神人的關係與位置,我們有沒有將這二者的位置擺放正確與妥當? 只有擺放正確了,綱舉目張,人生的各部位自然是調理妥當,水到渠成,世間的風風雨雨,再不會撼動我們內心絲毫。
诗篇 第63篇
在詩篇 63篇中,詩人第一句便精準的定出了神人二者的位置。 ”在乾旱疲乏無水之地” 情況下 (v1),詩人心中所想的,不是神如何立時給他一神跡或賜他能力,將這等惡劣地勢環境一變而成為河流密佈之肥沃美地。 或是投訴、埋怨神,為何將祂子民放在此等惡劣不毛之地,人生道路為何越走越窄,........。 與之相反,詩人對現實的惡劣環境好像視若無睹,他首先思念的,是他生命最根本的源頭,就是切切尋求他的神! “我渴想你,我的心切慕你。” (v1) 這是何等的屬靈高峰與境界。若是對信仰有如此深邃的認識,世上的艱困與橫逆,又怎能搖撼人內心絲毫呢?!
诗篇 第64篇
詩篇第 64篇,對我們是一很好歷史宏觀的提醒。聖經新、舊約中,從不諱言這世上有惡人,他們對神、對人恩將仇報,胡作非為,無故痛恨神的兒女。他們生存的目的,就好像是毫無羞恥的專與神作對。”光來到世間,世人不愛光倒愛黑暗,定他們的罪就是在此。” (約 3:19) 我們回顧過往的歷史,比對現今的世代,便明白聖經所說的日光之下無新事,而這等事和人是不斷重覆發生的。且 無論在那世代,惡人總是有他們作惡的理論和意識形態,不知廉恥的大放厥詞,為他們的行為作所謂合理化的申辯。 (v5) 、 (v6) 詩人在這詩篇中描述惡人真是言語精鍊,對他們惡形惡相之嘴面描述,更是入木三分。 例如: ”他們磨舌如刀,發出苦毒的言語,好像比準了的箭。” (v3) ”他們暗地射完全人,忽然射他,並不懼怕。 ” (v4) “他們彼此勉勵設下惡計。”, ........。 (v5) 這對比了現今東、西方,一方打著暴力專政,另一方打著人權、自由、包容為幌子,..........。 惟最終目的與方向,都是敵對、反抗神而高舉人,崇拜人所設立的種種偶像。 (詩 2: 1-2) 但他們越是這樣,越反照聖經所展露的真理,在人類歷史時空的長廊上來回盪漾,顯出神之至高、至善,榮美與真確。 主啊,願袮快來,阿門!