Weekly Devotion ( Psalm 5-9)
The fifth psalm,
like the third, is morning prayer. The psalmist begins the fifth psalm with verses 1-3, which refers to getting up early in the morning to pray and watch... Dear brothers and sisters, how do you and I start a new day? How can you and I become aware of God's daily protection of our souls? The psalmist reminds us that on the one hand, we should rise early to pray and ask the Lord to supervise our minds. Then, on the other hand, we should recognize our responsibilities and fully trust and fear God on the other hand (verse 7). The plan for the day is morning prayer. Through morning prayer, we receive the will of God to arrange our days and warn ourselves against the temptations of the world and the devil. For our God is a holy and righteous God (vv. 4-6), who hates evil, and the wicked cannot dwell with him, and he will eventually drive out the wicked and condemn them (vv. 10). But to the righteous, those who trust in God by faith, God will keep them with grace and love (vv. 11-12). So blessed are the children of God who believe this! " Believers are eternally preserved "will give brothers and sisters who love the Lord unlimited strength and hope of eternal life! Because God is so good to his children, everything is by his grace and glory belongs to him!
is a prayer psalm and the first of the "seven penitent psalms" in the Book of Psalms (the other six psalms are 32, 38, 51, 102, and 130). The psalmist seems to be focused on asking God to deliver him from the pain, sorrow, sickness, and persecution of his enemies. The psalmist does not describe which sins he committed that brought God's discipline and punishment. But in verses 1-3, the psalmist asks God for mercy and asks him not to bring him the full punishment his sin deserves in his anger, or he will go into death. " O Lord GOD, if you investigate sin, who can stand? " (Psalm 130:3). Knowing the gracious love of the Lord, the psalmist calls on the Lord in verse 4," Save me because of your mercy "! The psalmist is sure that the Lord is willing to take care of him and help him, just as he believes in the darkness of the night that the light of dawn will come. The psalmist calls out to the Lord in his enemies, sickness, and weakness, proclaiming that God is a God of love, mercy, and grace. Today, our brothers and sisters are struggling with sickness and weakness, and even the penalty of sin. They still believe in the love and grace of Jehovah, calling on him to cleanse themselves with the blood of Jesus Christ, forgive their sins and transgressions, heal their diseases, and strengthen their weak faith. For all salvation comes from Jehovah, and Christ has been accomplished on the cross! "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, forgiving us our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) (1 John 1:9) Thank God for saving us to the end without fail! ...
the psalmist sings this psalm about faith and supplication under extreme trials. In a moment of persecution by an enemy who claims that the psalmist made a mistake, the psalmist firmly denies the enemy's accusations. The opening section of the psalm describes the psalmist's personal need: Due to the cruelty of the enemy, the psalmist cries out to God. Next, the psalmist declares his innocence and that the harshest punishment is justified if the accusations the enemy attacks him on are correct, but God can prove that the enemy's accusations are untrue, and God will protect the innocent and wronged from the enemy. In the second half of the psalm, the psalmist affirms the righteousness of God, which is the starting point of his faith. The wicked will not succeed in the end; they will seek their own destruction. "He digs a pit, dug it deep, and falls into the trap he has dug for himself. His poison shall come upon his own head; his violence shall fall upon his own." The last verse, verse 17, is the climax of the psalm and the final conclusion of thanksgiving. The psalmist says: "I will give thanks to the Lord according to his righteousness, and sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Brothers and sisters, in reality, individuals are wronged, wronged, judged, injustice, and injustice occur from time to time. If we believe that God will not be biased (2 Chronicles 19:7), we can face it calmly. The innocent will be cleansed in the end. God is a just and fair judge and a God who is angry with the wicked every day (v. 11).
At the beginning of Psalm 8,
it is truly earth-shattering and has the spirit of a final word. It clearly gives, the essence and boundaries of the positioning of man and God. With this clear definition, the relationship and response of the interaction between the creator and the created can be carried out in a majestic manner. "Lord our Lord" (v1). God is our Lord, and man can expound his relationship with us in thousands of words, or he can end it with a simple exclamation mark, because the richness within is already "I want to argue, but I have forgotten my words". For a poet, this kind of relationship between the creator and the created, as long as he looks up at the starry sky, or looks down at all things created by God, people can see, feel, and experience this relationship. This is simply self-evident. The creator and the created are very different in ability, identity, essence, and indescribable, but the latter can be so exalted, affirmed, and blessed by the former. If you don't express gratitude to the creator, it is simply inconceivable. (v2, Isaiah 6:10-11) This kindness of God to man makes the poet feel that it is difficult to bear, and he is puzzled as to why God's grace to the humble is so profound and long. (v4, v5, v6) In the end, he can only repeat the thankful sigh at the beginning. (v9)
is a great comfort to the hearts of our believers. Especially when we see that sin is rampant in this world, righteousness is not revealed, the wicked eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and God's people are attacked and humiliated,... This seems a little out of step with what the scriptures describe, as if it does not truly reflect the reality of the present world. (v8, v9) However, the Bible teaches us to put away our proud hearts, that is, to let the world follow our will, according to the time we have set Time, method, and ending. Don't worry, this world won't. The psalmist begins by reminding us to rejoice and rejoice in the fact that the LORD is our Lord. (v1, v2) Because he has accepted us as our Lord. This alone is worthy of us "giving thanks to the LORD" and "singing praises to your name." (v1, v2) And even more eloquently, the psalmist, by rebuking the Gentiles for their misdeeds and unbelief, points to the root cause of the world's problems, "O Lord, terrify the Gentiles, and let them know that they are nothing but men!" (V20) How frightening it is to think that finite people will be judged by the infinite God! (v19)
第 8 篇一開首,真是石破天驚,有一錘定音之氣概。 它清楚給予 了人神定位的本質與界線,有了這種清楚的界定後,便能氣勢磅礴 的開展創造者和被造者之互動的關係與回應。”耶和華我們的主啊” (v1)。 神,就是我們的主,人可以洋洋萬言的闡述祂與我們的關 係,也可以用簡單一感嘆號作結,因為內裏那種豐富,已是 ”欲辯 已忘言” 。 於詩人來說,這種創造者與被造者之關係,只要抬頭仰望星空,或 是低頭俯看神所造之萬物,人便能看到、感受到、體會到這種關 係,這簡直是不辯自明的道理。 創造者與被造者這二者在能力、 身份,本質,那份無可名狀的巨大差異,但後者卻竟能受到前者這 樣的抬舉、肯定與祝福,若是不表達向創造者感恩的情懷,簡直是 不可思議之事。 (v2,賽 6:10-11) 神對人這份恩情,使詩人感到難以承載,百思不得其解,神為何對 卑微的人,恩澤如此深厚綿長。(v4, v5, v6) 最後只能重覆開首的感 恩歎息作結。(v9) ......
重覆閱讀詩篇第九篇真是大大安慰我們信徒的心。 尤其是我們 看到這世界罪惡橫行,公義不彰,惡人吃香喝辣,神的子民飽受攻 擊、屈辱,........,這與經文所描述的,好像有點格格不入,好像不 真實地反映現今世界之實況。(v8, v9) 然聖經教導我們,收起我們驕傲的心,就是要這世界隨著我們的意思,照著我們所訂的時 間、方法、結局而行。放心吧,這世界是不會的。 詩人首先提醒我們,要因耶和華是我們的主而高興、快樂。 (v1, v2) 因為祂已接納我們,成為我們的主。 就只是這一點,已值得我 們 ”稱謝耶和華”,“歌頌袮的名”。(v1, v2) 而更擲地有聲的,就是 詩人藉著對外邦人胡作非為、不信的斥責,點出了世人問題癥結的 根源,“耶和華啊,求你使外邦人恐懼,願他們知道自己不過是 人!” (v20) 一想到有限的人將被無限的神審判,這是令人何等恐 懼的事啊!(v19)