Weekly Devotion ( Psalm 15-17)
Psalm 15,He who truly believes in Jesus will look forward to His return, and will endure the days of the world, doing what the Lord commanded him to do, to "swear to his own hurt and … not change", and willing to pay the price to keep this position in life. This is because God promises that the man of God will live with Him forever. At first glance, David's list would seem to suggest that the key is to do it, so the ticket to heaven is a reward for merit. But from the general principles of Scripture, the key is the one who does these things! Who can do these things? We know through Psalm 68:18 that it is the righteousness of Christ on the cross that has conquered death, "ascended on high and leading a host of captives”. Who are these captives? Not only was Satan defeated (taken captive), but He also took (released) us sinners who were under his power and moved them to the kingdom of the Son of Love: to give these spoils (saved people) to the church. This is what Paul means when he quotes Psalm 68:18 in Ephesians 4:8. We were enemies of God, but now we are reconciled to God through Christ "that the LORD God may dwell there [in us]". So it is through "receiv[ing] blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation" (Psalm 24:5) that we can become a "generation of those who seek him" with "clean hands and a pure heart" to perform the righteousness of the list. Here, I am reminded of what Pastor Hu said about church membership during the 50th anniversary camp of FCNABC: If you are not even on the roster of the visible (earthly) church, then the invisible (heavenly) church certainly does not have your name.
Psalm 16 ,One of the most important things that we can appreciate from Psalm 16 is that "The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply", which has been tried and tested in my life, and I wonder if you feel the same way? Sadly, there are some people who don't believe, and they still test this, and may even feel good about it. It is recommended to read this Psalm several times, to think about it over and over again, and to use verse 2 as a motto to remind yourself throughout your life, and verses 5-6 as a source of satisfaction (on earth and in heaven) and gratitude. The psalmist's assurance of joy and well-being is based on his experience of God's revealed will for his way of life. Are we also experiencing and longing for God's way of life to rule our lives? May it be fulfilled in the Lord!
Psalm 17,David believed that God would listen to his prayers (Psalm 17: 6), and the reason for this firm belief was that he knew God. When he checked himself according to God's mind (in this case, what is not clear to us), he did not sin, and he accepted God's trials, nightly inspection and refinement. When he prayed for God to deliver him from "deadly enemies who surround [him]", he used verse 13 to ask God to "confront him, subdue him" with a sword; but in (v14), he unexpectedly asked God to save him from "men of the world whose portion is in this life" who have benefits of the world (is this not what you and I are longing for?) Why were these given to these “men of the world”? It turns out that David realized that God's judgment on the perished was not retribution on earth, and also "men of the world whose portion is in this life" does not mean that it is God's blessing. To have everything on earth and not God is a judgment in itself! David asked God to save him from the "world", that is the judgment of having everything but God. David's "satisfied" and the world’s "satisfied" are identical in word and meaning, but the object of satisfaction, what he yearns for, and the ending is really different (Psalm 17:15). Pray that the Lord would enlighten and keep our hearts, and that the satisfaction that we seek can be like David's joy in God forever! Amen!
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《诗15篇》,真信耶穌的必盼望祂再來,並能忍受世上的日子,遵主吩咐去行“吃虧 也不更改”,願付代價一生守住自己的位分。因為神應許屬神之人要與祂永遠 同住。大衛的清單乍看之下人以為關鍵在於“做到了”,那麼天堂的門票=論功 行賞等價交換囉。但從聖經的總原則來看,關鍵是“行這些事的人”!何種人 能行這些事?通過(詩68:18)我們曉得,是基督十架之義戰勝了死亡,“已經 升上高天,擄掠仇敵”這仇敵是誰?不僅是指撒但被打敗(遭擄掠)還將我們 這班本服在撒但權勢底下的罪人(蒙)擄掠了(釋放了)遷到愛子的國度_將 這些戰利品(得救之人)賜給教會。保羅在(弗4:8)引用(詩68:18)就是此 意。我們本是與神為敵之人,如今因基督與神和好“使神可以與他(我)們同 住”。所以是“蒙耶和華賜福,又蒙救他的神使他成義”(詩24:5)才能成為“手潔 心清”行清單上之義的_“尋求耶和華的族類”。 在此,想起胡元琦牧師在信友 堂50週年堂慶營中曾提到的教會名冊之事:若你連名字都不在有形(地上) 教會的名冊上,那(天上)無形教會肯定沒有你的名字。
《詩16篇》,最令人能體會的就是“以別神代替耶和華的,他們的愁苦必 加增”在我的人生中可以說真是屢試不爽,不知大家是否也有同感?可悲的是 還是有人仍然不信,還在試,甚至“感覺良好”。建議好好多讀幾遍此詩篇,反覆思想,以(V2)作為一生提醒自己的座右銘,又以(V5-6)作為滿足(在地若 在天)、感恩的源頭。詩人得喜樂福祉的確據是經歷了神「必將」“生命的道 路”指示他,我們是否也正在經歷和渴慕讓神“生命的道路”來主導我們一生 呢?願主成全!
《诗17篇》,大衛堅信神必垂聽他的禱告(詩17:6),此堅信的緣由在於他認識神。當 他按神的心意省查自己(在此事上,何事我們並不清楚)沒有犯罪,就坦然 接受神的試驗、夜間的鑒察和熬煉。 當他祈求神救他脫離“圍困他要害他命的仇敵”時用了(V13)求神為他“前去迎敵, 將他打倒!”用刀救他;而在(V14)時卻出人意料地求神救他脫離“只在今生有 福分的世人”並將世上的好處(不是你我也在嚮往的?)多多地加給這些“世 人”這是何故?原來大衛認識到,神對滅亡之人的審判不僅僅是在地受報應, 同樣“只在今生有福分的世人”並不代表是神的祝福。在地上擁有一切卻沒有 神,本身就是一種審判!大衛求神救他脫離“世人”也就是脫離這種“擁有一切 卻沒有神”的審判。 (詩17:15)大衛的“心滿意足”與世人的“心滿意足”字、詞意完全相同,但 滿足的對象和所嚮往的,並結局實在是天壤之別。求主光照保守我們的心, 所追求的滿足能與大衛一樣“以神為樂,直到永遠”!阿們!