Daily Chapter---Psalm 97 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 97 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 97 Reflection Question

  • 1. Psalm 97 praises God’s supreme authority. Please consider why the psalmist defines righteousness and justice to be the foundation of God’s throne? Why when all the peoples see the glory of God, they see God’s righteous deeds?
  • 2. Since the psalmist wants God to shame those who serve false gods and idols, why does he call: "worship him, all you gods"? (See Ex. 15:11; Ps. 96:4)
  • Psalm 97 | ESV Bible | YouVersion


    • 1.詩篇97頌讚神所擁有的至高權柄。請思考詩人為何將公義和公正定義 為神寶座的根基?為什麼萬⺠得見神的榮耀在於看見了神公義的作為?
    • 2.既然詩人願神使那些事奉各種假神偶像的人都蒙羞,為什麼還要呼籲 “萬神哪,你們都當敬拜祂”?(參出15:11;詩96:4)
    • 詩篇 97 | CUNP-神 Bible | YouVersion
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