Daily Chapter---Psalm 95 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 95 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 95 Reflection Question

  • Q1: Psalm 95 is a psalm of praise, calling the congregation to worship and praise the God who created the heavens and the earth, who rules over all, and who is above all gods. How should we respond to His greatness and love? What constitutes true worship and praise that pleases God?
  • Q2: Psalm 95:8-11 reminds the Israelites of their past in the wilderness, how they rebelled against God, provoked His anger, and consequently could not enter Canaan. What cautions does this hold for us?
  • Psalm 95 | ESV Bible | YouVersion


    • Q1:詩篇95篇是一首讚美詩,呼召會眾一同來敬拜讚美創造天地、管理萬有、超乎萬神之上的神。我們當如何回應祂的偉大和慈愛呢?什麼才是真正的敬拜和蒙神悅納的讚美?
    • Q2: 詩篇95:8-11是詩人提醒以色列百姓,過往在曠野他們是如何背叛神,惹神發怒,以致於不能進入迦南。對我們有何警惕?
    • 詩篇 95 | CUNP-神 Bible | YouVersion
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