Daily Chapter---Psalm 89:38-52 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 89:38-52 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 89:38-52 Reflection Question

  • From the previous review of the covenant with David, we turn to the other party of the covenant, David and his descendants, who broke the covenant and rebelled. God also sent punishment and wrath, and wanted to defile his crown to the dust (v39). What do we learn here? Why did God become enraged and abandon the anointed one (v38)? What warning does this give us?
  • "Praise be to the Lord forever" appears again in v52. This is a sharp turn from the statements in the previous verses. How do we view God's faithfulness and love in the covenant with David as well as God's righteousness and holiness when he abandoned this anointed one from the attributes of God? How do we understand the strong contrast between verses before and after verse 38 in this chapter because of the manifestation of God's abundance and perfection?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.89.ESV


  • 1. 從前面的對大衛之約的回顧,轉向了約的另一方大衛及其子孫的毀約悖逆。神也將責罰和憤怒賜下,要將他的冠冕踐踏於地(v39)。 這裡我們學到了什麼?為什麼神要惱怒和離棄這位受膏者(v38)?這對我們有怎樣的警示?
  • 2. v52中再一次出現“稱頌耶和華直到永遠”, 這個和前面幾節經文的陳述有一個鮮明的轉折,我們怎樣從神的屬性來看神與大衛立約中的信實慈愛以及神離棄這位受膏者時的公義聖傑?怎樣理解因為彰顯神的豐盛與完全才讓這章經文前37節前和38街後對比如此強烈?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.89
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