Daily Chapter---Psalm 89:1-37 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 89:1-37 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 89:1-37 Reflection Question

  • Psalm 89 verses 1-37 mention the covenant with David again, and begin a chapter of praising the Lord. The covenant between God and David allows descendants to be established and to be under the throne of God for generations. What guiding significance does this have for the inheritance of our faith? Why is it our responsibility and obligation to bring our next generation to God?
  • Recite Psalm 89:11-18, and use the verses here to pray- ask God to let us think about why everything on earth belongs to Him, and all the things in the world should cheer and praise Him. Will such realization and appreciation help us better understand the three- fold vision and the Christianization of culture therein?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.89.ESV


  • 1. 詩篇89篇1-37節再提和大衛立的約,開始了讚美耶和華的一篇,神與大衛的約讓後裔得建立,在神的寶座下到万代。這對我們信仰傳承有怎樣的引領意義?為什麼說把我們的下一代帶到神面前是我們的責任和義務?
  • 2. 背誦詩篇89:11-18, 用這裡的詩句來禱告, 求神讓我們思想為什麼我們地上的一切都是屬於祂的,世間各樣充滿起中的都當向祂歡呼、頌讚? 這樣的認識和領受是否會幫助我們明白三化異象和其中的文化基督化?
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.89
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