Daily Chapter---Psalm 88 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 88 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 88 Reflection Question

  • Some people say that this is the author’s description of a relatively dark day, and it is an extremely sad poem. However, when facing what appears to be a disaster/ a crisis in life, do we see familiar words and phrases that make it seem like we are talking about people or things around us? In this situation, what did God reveal to the author? What is the significance of this poem that is referred to as the most mournful poem?
  • The poem mentions loneliness, fear, isolation from the world (v15), living on the edge of death (v3), and God’s wrath on him (v7), but people still pray to God (v9) because God is the Most High (v1-2). What does this description reveal to us? God is the God who removes suffering, but God is also the God who leads us through the valley of the shadow of death. What deeper understanding can this give us about our life experiences and God?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.88.ESV


  • 1. 有人說這是作者對一段比較至黑至暗的日子的描述,是一首極其憂傷的詩歌。但對於看上去要面對災難的處境,生命的危機,我們是否看到熟悉的詞句,以至於今天我們讀起來就像是在說我們周圍的人或事?這樣的處境下,神在向作者顯現了什麼?聖經詩篇收納這樣一首被稱為最悲傷的詩歌,其意義是什麼呢?
  • 2. 詩句中出現了,孤單驚恐與世隔絕(v15),生活在死亡邊緣(v3),神的憤怒在他身上(v7),但是人仍然向神求吿(v9),因為神是那位至高者(v1-2),這樣的描述是在啟示我們什麼?神是挪去苦難的神,但神更是帶領我們走過死蔭幽谷的神,這對我們認識我們的生活經歷認識神有什麼更深的理解?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.88
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