Daily Chapter---Psalm 87 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 87 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 87 Reflection Question

  • Psalm 87:1-3: Why does God love Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob? What do Zion and all the dwellings of Jacob respectively refer to? What reminders and help does this provide for you?
  • Psalm 87:4-7: How do these verses help us confirm our identity? What help and reminders does such identity confirmation provide for you? How does it help you recognize the source and ultimate destination of your life?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.87.ESV


  • 1. 詩篇87:1-3:神為何愛錫安超過/勝於愛雅各一切的住處?錫安和雅各一切的住處分別指什麼?這對你有什麼提醒和幫助?
  • 2. 詩篇87:4-7:這些經文如何幫助我們確認我們的身份?這樣的身份確認對你有怎樣的幫助和提醒?如何幫助你認識你生命的源頭和最終的歸宿?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.87
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