Daily Chapter---Psalm 85 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 85 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 85 Reflection Question

  • Psalm 85:1-3: What grace do we as Christians receive from God? How do you understand the grace of forgiveness given by God?
  • Psalm 85:4-7: How does these verses reflect the author's understanding of God? How does this understanding help the author to look up to and trust in God's mercy and grace even in hardship and sin?
  • Psalm 85:8-9: What kind of person truly knows God's grace? What spiritual character should a person who truly receives God's mercy have?
  • Psalm 85:10-13: How do these verses help you understand the relationship between righteousness and mercy? As a Christian who has received God's mercy, how should you practice mercy and righteousness on earth?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.85.ESV


  • 1. 詩篇85:1-3:描述了我們基督徒從神那裡得到了怎樣的恩典?你如何認識神所賜給你的赦罪之恩?
  • 2. 詩篇85:4-7:這些經文反應了作者對神有怎樣的認識?這樣的認識如何幫助作者即使在困境中、罪惡中依然能夠仰望和信靠神的憐憫與恩典?
  • 3. 詩篇85:8-9:這裡描述了一個真正認識神恩典的人是怎樣的人?一個真正蒙神憐憫神的人應當具有怎樣的屬靈品格?
  • 4. 詩篇85:10-13:這些經文如何幫助你認識公義與憐憫的關係?如何提醒你,作為基督徒,蒙了神的憐憫後,該如何在地上踐行憐憫與公義?
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.85
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