Daily Chapter---Psalm 83 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 83 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 83 Reflection Question

  • Psalm 83 The background of Psalm 83 may be when Moab, Ammon, and Edom came to attack King Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20). The main characteristic of Psalm 83 is that although it is a prayer of God's people seeking help from God in distress, the entire psalm centers on God and His name, without mentioning "us." It focuses on God and His name being insulted and challenged, which is the basis of their plea to God.
  • Therefore, in our distress, in our difficulties, do we also often focus on God? Are we seeking God's name to be exalted, or just seeking solutions to our own problems? Our own needs to be met?
  • Psalm 83:2-3: How do God's people regard those who persecute them? Who are they persecuting exactly? People or God? How does this help your attitude when facing persecution today?
  • Psalm 83:13-16: What is the ultimate goal for God's people praying against their enemies? How should we pray for those who persecute us? https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.83.ESV


  •  1. 詩篇83篇的背景可能是摩押、亞捫和以東來攻擊約沙法王的時候(代下二十)。 詩篇83篇最大的特點是,雖然本篇詩篇是神的百姓在苦困中向神的求救詩,但是全篇詩篇都是以神和神的名為中心,從未提及“我們”,而是聚焦於神和神的名。他們關注的焦點不再是自己的得失與安危,而是神的名被羞辱、被挑戰,這是他們向神求救的根本。 所以,在我們的困苦中,在我們的艱難中,我們是否也是時常以神為中心?尋求神的名被高舉,或是只是尋求自己的困難被解決?自己的需要被滿足? 2. 詩篇83:2-3:神的百姓如何如何看待哪些逼迫他們的人?他們所逼迫的到底是誰?是人還是神?這如何幫助你今天在遇到逼迫的時候的態度?
  • 3. 詩篇83:13-16:神的百姓為仇敵禱告的最終目標是什麼?我們應該如何為哪些逼迫我們的人禱告?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.83
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