Daily Chapter---Psalm 82 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 82 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 82 Reflection Question

  • 1: Who are the “gods” referred to in verse 1? What are their crimes (v.2)? What crimes of these authoritative ones are described in detail in verses 3-4?
  • 2: Verse 5, about what do “They know nothing”, “They understand nothing” (relate to “darkness”)? Furthermore, what does “All the foundations of the earth are shaken” mean? What is the purpose for the creation/establishment of authorities on earth (v.6)? What judgement will they face (v.7)? What attribute of God does this reveal?
  • 3: Verse 8 is a prayer and echoes verse 1. What sort of emotions and anticipations does this reveal about the psalmist? In facing this crooked and wicked generation, what feelings and experiences do you have? How ought we pray to God?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.82.ESV


  • 1. v.1節中,諸神是指誰?他們的罪名是什麽(v.2)?v.3-4節具體解釋了這些權力者的哪些罪行?
  • 2. v.5節“不知道“,”不明白“什麽(對照“黑暗”體會)?“地的根基都動搖了”又是什麽意思? 地上的掌權者被造/被設立的目的是什麽(v.6)? 他們要受到何種審判(v.7)?這表明神怎樣的屬性?
  • 3. v.8節是一句祈禱,與v.1節呼應。表達了詩人怎樣的心情和盼望?面對這個彎曲悖謬的世界,你有何體會和感受?該如何向神禱告?
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.82 
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