Daily Chapter---Psalm 81 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 81 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 81 Reflection Question

  • 1: In verses 1-4, why does the Psalmist say to praise God? Please find the verbs in verses 5-16 that describe God’s actions of showing grace. What characteristic of God does this show? Reflect on the acts of the grace of God in your life, does he deserve your whole-hearted worship?
  • 2: What is God’s encouragement/requirement for the Israelites (v.8-9)? Verses 11-12 remind us to reflect on what it is that we are seeking. What are our own idols (material, spiritual)?
  • 3: What is the result of listening to God’s Word (v.10)? What if we refuse to listen (v.11-12)? What if we return (v.13-16)? What attributes of God does this reflect? Does he deserve our praise? How ought we respond?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.81.ESV


  • 1. v.1-4節中,詩人爲什麽說要贊美神?請找出v.5-16節中描述神施恩作爲的動詞。這説明神什麽屬性?反思你生命中神恩典的作爲,祂配得你全心的贊美嗎?
  • 2. 神對以色列民的勸誡/要求是什麽(v.8-9)?v.11-12節提醒我們反思自己在尋求什麽?自己的偶像是什麽(物質的,靈裏的)?
  • 3. 我們若聼從神的話,結局是什麽(v.10)? 若不聽呢(v.11-12)?若回轉呢(v.13-16)? 這些反映了神的哪些屬性?祂配得我們的贊美嗎?我們應如何回應?
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.81
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