Daily Chapter---Psalm 80 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 80 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 80 Reflection Question

  • 1: In verses 1-2, what does Joseph, Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh represent? On what basis does the psalmist pray for God to shine forth and rescue them (v.1)?
  • 2: Verses 3, 7 and 19 are the chorus, what effect does this provide? These three verses all mention “make your face shine upon us”, what is the meaning of this (Numbers 6:24-26)?
  • 3: In verses 8-16, what does the vine represent? Why does God allow the vine to be destroyed (Psalm 81:11-12; John 15:1-5)? What attribute of God does this display? What reminder does this provide for us?
  • 4: What was the attitude of the prayers of the psalmist in his time of distress (v.4-6)? Was there hope? From which verses can this be seen? Where does this hope come from (v.1, 8-9, 14-15)? Do you have hope in distress? What is the reason for your hope?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.80.ESV

《詩篇》第80篇 思考題

  • 1. v.1-2節中,約瑟,以法蓮,便雅憫,瑪拿西是指什麽?詩人是基於什麽祈求神發出光來,並拯救呢(v.1)?
  • 2. v.3,7和19節是副歌,起什麽作用?這三節中都提到“使你的臉發光”是什麽意思(民6:24-26)?
  • 3. v.8-16節中葡萄樹比喻什麽?神爲何允許這葡萄樹被拆毀呢(詩81:11-12;約15:1-5)? 這説明神的什麽屬性?對我們又有何提醒呢?
  • 4. 詩人在苦境中(v.4-6節)向神禱告的態度如何(有盼望嗎)?從哪幾節可以看出?此盼望從何而來(v.1,8-9,14-15)?你在苦境中有盼望嗎?原因何在?
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.80
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