Daily Chapter---Psalm 79 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 79 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 79 Reflection Question

  • 1: In verses 1-4, what kind of picture does the psalmist paint, what are his circumstances like? Verses 1-2 employ several instances of the word “your”, what is the meaning of this?
  • 2: Why did God become angry with the Israelites (Psalm 78:56-62)? Why did the psalmist ask God to pour out his wrath on the gentiles (v. 6-7, 12)? Does this kind of prayer align with God’s will (Psalm 81:13-14)?
  • 3: In verses 8-9, does the psalmist cry out to God because they are pure and without blemish? On what account does he plead for God’s deliverance? The psalmist mentions twice the phrase “for your name”? What does God’s name actually refer to (Exodus 34:6-7)? In verse 13, how is the psalmist able to praise God in suffering and pain (v. 8-9)? How should we pray for God’s help in times of distress?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.79.ESV

《詩篇》第79篇 思考題

  • 1):v.1-4節中詩人勾勒了怎樣一副畫面,他的處境如何?v.1-2節用幾個“你 的...”,用意何在?
  • 2):神到底爲何要向以色列⺠發怒(詩78:56-62)?詩人爲何求神將忿怒傾 倒在外邦(v.6-7,12)?這樣祈求符合神的心意嗎(詩81:13-14)?
  • 3):v.8-9節中, 詩人向神呼求是否因他們清潔無瑕?他憑什麼求神救拔?詩人 兩次提到因/為“你名”。神的名到底是指什麽(出34:6-7 )?v.13節,詩人在 悲痛中何以能贊美神(v.8-9)?我們在困境中該如何向神祈求幫助呢?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.79
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