Daily Chapter---Psalm 78:1-39 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 78:1-39 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 78:1-39 Reflection Question

  • 1): What is spiritual inheritance? Why is spiritual inheritance so important to the people of God?
  • 2): When we pass on spiritual inheritance to the next generation, besides telling them about God’s protection and blessing, what else should we tell them about? Why should we tell them this?
  • 3): The psalmist describes the disobedience of the Israelites in the wilderness at great length. What kind of warning does this give us? What kind of guidance does God’s judgment and grace toward them give us?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.78.ESV


  • 1) ﹕甚麼是屬靈的傳承﹖對於屬神的群體來說﹐為何屬靈的傳承十分重要﹖
  • 2) ﹕我們給下一代作屬靈傳承時﹐除了要講述神的保守賜福外﹐還要講述甚麼﹖為何要這樣講述﹖
  • 3) ﹕詩人以很長的篇幅描述了以色列人在曠野的悖逆﹐這給我們怎樣的警誡﹖神對他們的審判和施恩又給了我們怎樣的指引﹖
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.78
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