Daily Chapter---Psalm 74 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 74 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 74 Reflection Question

  • 1): Who is Asaph? What is the background of this psalm? From this point of view, how should we understand the authors such as Asaph and Ethan (Jeduthun) who are often mentioned in the Psalms?
  • 2): Why is the poet sad? Is he complaining about the Lord God for abandoning them? If not, why did he write this hymn?
  • 3): Why did the Lord God remain silent regarding the suffering of the people of Judah and the destruction of the temple? Is there any hope for the Israelites? Why do they still have such hope?
  • https://www.bible.com/bible/59/PSA.74.ESV


  • 1) ﹕亞薩是誰﹖這首詩歌的背景是甚麼﹖由此看來﹐我們要怎樣理解詩篇中常提到的亞薩﹐以探(耶杜頓)等作者﹖
  • 2) ﹕詩人為何事哀傷﹖他是在埋怨耶和華神丟棄他們嗎﹖如果不是﹐他為何寫這篇詩歌﹖
  • 3) ﹕耶和華神對猶大國民遭苦難﹐聖殿被毀滅緘默不言﹐是甚麼原因﹖以色列人還有盼望嗎﹖憑甚麼他們還能有這樣的盼望﹖
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.74
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