Daily Chapter---Psalm 49 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 49 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 49 Reflection Question

  • 1. This psalmist calls on people to listen to the words of wisdom (1-2), reminding us to have wisdom to make the right choice in dealing with the relationship between wealth and life. Some people may say, "Money will not be my entanglement", so why does the psalmist call on all the residents of the world to listen to this (1-2)?
  • 2. Wisdom speech: People have two endings (14-20). Please list in which aspects of wealth are useless (6-12)? The psalmist calls us to pay attention to the fact that people can't live forever, and people will soon leave the world. The rich and the poor are regarded equally, and there is no difference. Non-Christians even say, "No life, no death", this truth seems to be known by everyone, and everyone will say it. However, people's attitude towards money seems to tell us again: "People don't know this truth." What do you say?
  • https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.49.ESV


  • 1. 本篇诗人呼籲人們來聽智慧之言(1-2),提醒我們在處理財富與人生的關係上,有智慧作正确的選擇。也許有人說:”錢財不會是我的纏累”,那為何詩人呼籲世上一切的居民都來聽這話呢(1-2)?
  • 2. 智慧發言:人有兩种結局(14-20) ,請列出財富在哪些方面是無濟於事的(6-12)?詩人要人注意,人不能永存,人很快就會離開這個世界,貧富一視同仁,沒有分別。非基督徒也會讲” 生不帶來,死不帶去” ,這個道理也好像是人人知道,而且人人都會講。可是,從人對錢財的態度,似乎又告訴我們:”人不知這個道理”。你怎麼說?
  •  https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.49
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