Daily Chapter---Psalm 43 Reflection Question
Psalm 43 is traditionally regarded as a continuation of Psalm 42, and its main purpose is still to ask God to rescue him from the oppression of his heart.
1. Why is it that in Psalm 42 or 43, the author asks for permission to meet God in the temple of God, or be brought by God to His holy mountain, dwelling place or altar? Is it because this is where his greatest joy lies?
2. These days, how do Christians come to see God? Are we also eager to see God often? Have we gained peace and joy from it?
- 詩篇43傳統上被認為是42篇的延續,其主旨仍是求神將他從心情的壓抑中拯救出來。
- 1. 為什麼在42或43篇中,詩人請求允許能到神的殿中朝見神,或被神帶到祂的聖山、居所和祭壇前,因為這才是他的最大喜樂所在?
- 2. 如今作為基督徒又是如何來朝見神的呢?我們是否也切切期望常常朝見神?我們從中是否得著了平安喜樂?
- https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.43