Daily Chapter---Psalm 42 Reflection Question
- Psalms chapter 42 to 72 belong to the second book of Psalms, seven of these chapters were written by the descendants of Korah, and the significance is very unusual (Korah's group rebellion from Numbers 16).
- 1.What is the greatest wish expressed by the sons of Korah in this Chapter?
- 2.What are some parts of this chapter possibly suggesting the cause of why the author is feeling sad, irritable, and depressed?
- 3.What is the biggest source of hope that the author sees that helps them overcome their pain?
- https://www.bible.com/zh-CN/bible/59/PSA.42.ESV
- 詩篇從第42篇起至72篇歸為詩篇的第二卷書,這其中有七篇詩來自可拉的子孫,其意義很不尋常(參「可拉一黨的叛亂」民16)。
- 1. 可拉子孫在這詩中所表達的最大願望是什麼?
- 2. 從詩中你能找到哪些使詩人感到悲傷、煩躁、憂悶的原因?
- 3. 詩人認為最能勝過自身傷痛的盼望又在於什麼?
- https://www.bible.com/bible/46/PSA.42