Daily Chapter---Psalm 25 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 25 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 25 Reflection Question

  • 1. V1-3 How does David worship God, and what words does he use to describe it? V4-5 What does David ask for, and is it about him or God's will? Which words describe it?
  • 2. V6-7 What does David want God to remember, and what not to remember? V8-11 How does David describe God's attributes, and what about human traits? Who are the humble? (Refer to Romans 3:23, 9, Ezekiel 33:10-11) V12-14 How does God treat those who fear Him?
  • 3. V15-18 In times of difficulty, trouble, distress, loneliness, and being ensnared, whom and what does David focus on? V19-22 Facing enemies, where does David's heart find peace? What does he trust in? What reminder does it give us?


  • 1. V1-3 大衛是怎樣敬拜神的,用哪些詞來描述?V4-5大衛祈求自己所要呢?還是神神要呢?用哪些詞來描述?V6-7 大衛要神記念什麼?不記念什麼? 
  • 2. V8-11 大衛怎樣描述神的特性?人的特性如何?謙卑人是誰?(参羅:3:23、9、結33:10-11)V12-14 敬畏神的人,神如何待他? 
  • 3. V15-18在艱難困苦,在禍患愁苦,在孤獨、網羅時,大衛的眼目專注誰、專注什麼?V19-22面對仇敵,大衛的心安定在哪裡?他信靠什麼?對我們有什麼提醒?
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