Daily Chapter---Psalm 24 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 24 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 24 Reflection Question

  • V1-2 What is the relationship between all things and God?
  • V3-6 Who can ascend to God's hill, and who can stand in His holy place? How do people receive God's salvation, righteousness, and blessings?
  • V7-10 What is the significance of the lifting up of the gates? What does it mean for the glorious King to enter?


  • 1. V1-2萬物與神的關係是怎樣的? 
  • 2. V3-6誰能登神的山、誰能站在祂的聖所?人怎樣蒙神拯救、成義、賜福? 
  • 3. V7-10眾城門抬起頭來意義如何?榮耀的王將要進來意義又如何?   
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