Daily Chapter---Psalm 23 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 23 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 23 Reflection Question

  • 1. V1-2 Based on Psalm 22, how does God become our shepherd, and how can we lie down in green pastures and rest by the streams?
  • 2. V3-5 How can the soul be refreshed? How can we walk in righteousness? What does it mean when God is with us? What do the rod and staff symbolize? Why is a feast set before us in the presence of enemies?
  • 3. V6 What is the significance of dwelling in the house of the Lord?


  •  1. V1-2根據22篇,神怎樣成為我的牧人、我們可以躺臥在青草地、安歇在溪水旁? 
  • 2. V3-5怎樣能靈魂甦醒?怎樣能走義路?神同在意味著什麼?杖與桿的意思是什麼?為何要在敵人面前擺宴席? 
  • 3. V6住在耶和華的殿中的意義如何?  
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