Daily Chapter---Psalm 22:19-31 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 22:19-31 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 22:19-31 Reflection Question

  • 1. V19-21 In a state of extreme weakness in body, soul, and spirit, how does the poet respond? How does Jesus respond? How should we respond? (Hebrews 12:2)
  • 2. V22 Why is His name exalted? V23-26 How does God show His favor to His people (the humble, those who seek God, those who suffer)? And how should God's people serve Him? (Refer to John 12:32-33, Philippians 2:8-12)
  • 3. V27-31 How extensive is God's dominion? How do you interpret "even the one who could not keep himself alive" all worshiping before God? What does it remind us of? (Refer to Hebrews 9:27)


  •  1. V19-21在身、心、靈極度軟弱中,詩人怎樣回應?耶穌怎樣回應?我們怎樣回應?(來12:2) 
  • 2. V22為何祂的名被高舉?V23-26神怎樣恩待祂的子民(謙卑的、尋求神的、受苦的)?而神子民當如何事奉祂?(参約12:32-33、腓2:8-12) 
  • 3. V27-31神的管理範圍有多大?V26、29怎樣解釋“活着的、不能存活的”都要在神面前敬拜?對我們有何提醒?(参來9:27) 
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