Daily Chapter---Psalm 18:25-50 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 18:25-50 Reflection Question

Daily Chapter---Psalm 18:25-50 Reflection Question

  • 1. V25-29 God deals accordingly to man’s actions as he deserves. Is this the saying among common folk, good results in good and evil results in evil, a sort of karmic cycle? Refer to Romans 2:6-8.
  • 2. V3 What sort of effect did the Word of God have on David, a mighty warrior?
  • 3. V32-34 God not only protects and saves David, he also equips and trains him how to battle, making preparations for victory in future battles. What is the purpose of this? Refer to Romans 15:8-9.
  • 4. V35 How does God’s gentleness cause David to become great? What is special about this?
  • 5. V50 Who is the ultimate Saviour and Anointed One pointed to in this verse?



  • 1. V25-29 神按照人行事的方式,以其當得的相對應方式對待他們。這是否就是一般人所說的善有善報、惡有惡報的因果報應循環?對照羅馬書 2:6-8。
  • 2. V30 神的道、話語,對於大衛這樣爭戰的勇士,產生什麼樣的作用?
  • 3. V32-34 神不但保護、拯救大衛,並裝備、操練他如何爭戰,為未來爭戰的全然得勝做預備。其目的為何?V43-49。對照在羅馬書15:8-9。
  • 4. V35 為何神的溫和能使他為大?有何特殊之處?
  • 5. V50 所指向的終極拯救者、受膏者是誰? 
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